Exceptional Management Training Skills Seminar
Exceptional Management Training Course
Participants will learn to lead, coach and be an integral part of their work team. Strategic tools for improving team effectiveness are learned and practiced in this hands-on workshop. The way managers supervise and coach their employees will significantly effect their performance and job satisfaction. By working smoothly with one anotherwhile defining roles, objectives, responsibilities and work assignmentsOur Exceptional Management Training seminar increases job satisfaction and allows their team members and subordinates to reach their performance goals.
Exceptional Management Training is a one or two-day highly interactive workshop that teaches the tools to make the most of interactions with subordinates through extensive video taped exercises and classroom learning games. This approach allows both the subordinate and the supervisor to make the most of every interpersonal interaction. Managers learn to discuss problems and challenges with subordinates, to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead and reduce misunderstanding and miscommunication within their work unit.
On-Site Management Training: can be tailored to the needs of client organization and delivered on-site at time and location of client choice.
Participants in the Exceptional Management Training seminar will learn to:
- Give positive feedback
- Manage effective anger management
- Practice how to give constructive feedback
- Listen to what other people are saying
- Manage conflict and handle difficult situations
- Facilitate, guide, and close discussions in one-on-one or group settings
- Give and receive feedback without putting others on the defensive
- Build on and credit other peoples ideas
- Improve teamwork and productivity within the work unit to achieve common goals
- Prevent misunderstanding by determining what people are really saying
- Define and set up a method to track subordinates activities
For a more detailed summary of the topics and information covered in the class, please complete this form and we will email you a confidential Annotated Outline that will provide you with an hour by hour description of this training seminar.
This class was the best professional training I've had in years!
The four key areas were communication, motivation, delegation and evaluation. Because I am a new manager, I needed every concept that was taught. As a starting point, the most important for me was communication. The instructor went over personality and behavior patterns that help a manager to use the right communication style when dealing with each different employee to ensure that messages are sent effectively and received with maximum clarity and minimum distortion. Two way feedback is necessary to constantly assess needs, concerns, problems, interests and establish trust on both sides. Trust in itself is a motivational tool. The manager must create an environment of openness to show employees they are accessible and involved while representing authority and leadership (a bit like parenting).
The difference between delegation (meant to challenge and develop employee skills) and task assignment (meant to get a task completed) could mean the difference between employee satisfaction or stagnation. In delegation, the employee is given more and more autonomy in decision making until they have learned the skills and earned the responsibility of owning tasks and projects. I was not there for most of the evaluation section (dealing with work issues on the phone) so I will not comment.
Overall, I learned that the role of the manager is not to know how to execute the detailed areas of expertise of the employees (which I've been trying to do for a year now). The manager's role is to enable communication and to coordinate time tables, projects and resources to enhance employee development and achieve company goals.
The instructor, was truly excellent. Her casual, personable style made learning and interfacing with classmates easy. The class was lively with lots of participation. We seldom got off track. When we did, she skillfully guided the focus back to the concept being taught. Movement from one concept to another seemed naturally connected. I was also blessed to have four additional instructors (other classmates -- Scott, Michael, Mike and Shaquan) who each took me under their wings to teach me from their own experiences. I could not have asked for better!
Valerie Campbell
Production Support Manager
Atlas Air, Inc.
2000 Westchester Avenue,
2nd Floor Purchase NY 10577